or to register for this event.
Friday, December 13

8:00am PST

Friday December 13, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am PST
Do you require any dietary accommodations? If you require specific food handling instructions (e.g., separate preparation areas to avoid cross-contamination), please specify in the "Other" field or contact us directly.

  • No dietary accommodations needed
  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan
  • Gluten-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Nut-free
  • Other (please specify): _________

¿Necesita alguna adaptación dietética? Si necesita instrucciones específicas de manipulación de alimentos (por ejemplo, áreas de preparación separadas para evitar la contaminación cruzada), especifíquelo en el campo "Otro" o contáctenos directamente

  • No se necesitan adaptaciones dietéticas
  • Vegetariano
  • Vegano
  • Sin gluten
  • Sin lácteos
  • Sin nueces
  • Otros (especifique):

Friday December 13, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am PST
1F: Special Event Center (SPEC)

9:00am PST

Welcome and Keynote Address
Friday December 13, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PST
avatar for

"M" Michelle Rodriguez-Lazenby

Supv, Human Resources, Austin Public Library
avatar for Hannah Terrell

Hannah Terrell

Interim Director, Libraries, Austin Public Library
avatar for TC Broadnax

TC Broadnax

City Manager, City of Austin
avatar for Stephanie Hayden-Howard

Stephanie Hayden-Howard

Assistant City Manager, City of Austin

Mark Maldonado

Communications/Organizer, ASFCME
avatar for Madeline Rials

Madeline Rials

Supv, Human Resources, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PST
1F: Special Event Center (SPEC)

9:00am PST

Mother's Room
Friday December 13, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm PST
The Mothers’ rooms—also known as, lactation rooms or nursing rooms—are dedicated spaces in a workplace where breastfeeding employees can comfortably, conveniently, and privately express breast milk while at work.
To use the room reserve a time using the survey below, on the day of the event go to the circulation desk and a volunteer will let you in. The Mother’s room is located across from the bathrooms on the 2nd floor.
Mother's Room Reservation

Las habitaciones de las madres, también conocidas como salas de lactancia o salas de lactancia, son espacios dedicados en un lugar de trabajo donde las empleadas que amamantan pueden extraerse leche materna de manera cómoda, conveniente y privada mientras trabajan. Para usar la sala reserve una hora usando la encuesta, el día del evento diríjase al mostrador de circulación y un voluntario le dejará entrar. La habitación de la madre se encuentra frente a los baños en el 2º piso.
Friday December 13, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm PST
Mother's Room

10:00am PST

ADHD Workshop with Michael Snyder Session I
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
Join us for an overview of ADHD:
-What is ADHD?
-How can it impact your life?
-How do you recognize the side effects of ADHD?
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
4F: Training Room

10:00am PST

APL Innovate: Staff Tech Demo Drop-In Session I
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
APL Innovate has a plethora of technology which the entire Austin Public Library can borrow and use for public programs. We'll set up the entire Innovation Lounge to showcase all of our technology so people can get hands-on experience with it, ask questions, and brainstorm ideas for how they can use it for programs at their branches or for other program/services/outreach opportunities. These drop in hours will be held throughout the day.

APL Innovate tiene una gran cantidad de tecnología que toda la Biblioteca Pública de Austin puede tomar prestada y usar para programas públicos. Prepararemos todo el Innovation Lounge para mostrar toda nuestra tecnología para que las personas puedan obtener experiencia práctica con ella, hacer preguntas y generar ideas sobre cómo pueden usarla para programas en sus sucursales o para otros programas/servicios/oportunidades de divulgación. Estas horas de entrega se llevarán a cabo durante todo el día.
avatar for Will Harlan

Will Harlan

Librarian III, Austin Public Library
I'm Will. I'm a Librarian at the Austin Public Library, where I manage the APL Innovate digital makerspace. At APL Innovate, we provide free access to cutting-edge hardware and software, host free classes on multimedia content creation, and help the public upskill their professional... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
5F: Innovation Lab

10:00am PST

Community Services at APL
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
APL's community services coordinators will discuss the state of homelessness services in Austin, better practices for supporting patrons in accessing services, and how they can help in their roles at the library.

Los coordinadores de servicios comunitarios de APL discutirán el estado de los servicios para personas sin hogar en Austin, mejores prácticas para ayudar a los usuarios a acceder a los servicios y cómo pueden ayudar en sus funciones en la biblioteca. 
avatar for Zack Shlachter

Zack Shlachter

Coord, Community Services, Austin Public Library
avatar for Tamara Goheen

Tamara Goheen

Coord, Community Services, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
4F: Breakroom

10:00am PST

Digital Resources: Ask Me Anything!
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
I will provide a quick overview of Digital Resources tools available to the public and staff.

  1. How to find the FAQs, Digital Resources help, and training pages. 
  2. How to troubleshoot and report an issue. 
  3. How to be more confident around Digital Resources and knowledgeable about how the pieces work together.
Then I will answer your questions! Email 1-2 questions to amy.mullin@austintexas.gov by November 30. I'll answer as many as I can!

Proporcionaré una descripción general rápida de las herramientas de recursos digitales disponibles para el público y el personal.  

1. Cómo encontrar las páginas de preguntas frecuentes, ayuda de recursos digitales y paginas de entrenamiento.

2. Cómo solucionar problemas y reportar un problema.

3. Cómo tener más confianza en los recursos digitales y conocer cómo funcionan las cosas.

¡Responderé a tus preguntas! Envíe 1 o 2 preguntas por correo electrónico a amy.mullin@austintexas.gov antes del 30 de noviembre. ¡Responderé tantas como pueda!

avatar for Amy Mullin

Amy Mullin

Librarian II, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
5F: Room 511

10:00am PST

Doodle Scrub: Empowering Your Cleaning Efforts
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
Empower Your Cleaning with the Doodle Scrub
The Doodle Scrub features the same cleaning power as our bigger machines, the Doodle Scrub is a floor cleaner that can reach into tighter spaces – perfect for bathrooms, edges, around and behind toilets, stalls, and showers.  They can also be used in chemical stripping or dry prepping of VCT floors where the large machines can’t reach!
The Doodle Scrub can get to all these places, and also works well on stairs! Don’t neglect these hard-to-reach areas – get the peace of mind that comes from a professional cleaning machine like the Doodle Scrub!

Check out our training and demo today!

Potencie su limpieza con el Doodle Scrub

El Doodle Scrub cuenta con la misma potencia de limpieza de nuestras máquinas más grandes, el Doodle Scrub es un limpiador de suelos que puede limpiar los espacios más reducidos - perfecto para baños, bordes, alrededor y detrás de los inodoros, cabinas y duchas. También se puede utilizar para la limpieza química o la preparación en seco de suelos de baldosas de vinilo donde las máquinas grandes no llegan.

El Doodle Scrub puede llegar a todos estos lugares, y también funciona bien en las escaleras. No olvidas estas zonas difíciles y disfrute la tranquilidad que le ofrece una máquina de limpieza profesional como el Doodle Scrub.

¡Echa una vista a nuestra formación y pruébelo hoy!

avatar for Jared Sorrell

Jared Sorrell

Field Sales Consultant, Avision
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
1F: Demo Area

10:00am PST

Grow Green
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
Join the Grow Green team and learn how they partner with the library and the community.
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
6F: Roof Top Garden

10:00am PST

Interview School (Librarian Positions Focus)
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
Get ready to land your next position! In this small-group workshop you’ll practice your interview skills and refine stories that showcase your experience. Learn how to approach behavioral interview questions and feel confident going in to your next interview. This session will focus on Librarian I, II, and III positions.

Groups of up to 9 participants will meet with one group leader. There will be a discussion of behavioral interview questions and the STAR interview method, practice interview questions, group discussion/feedback, and a chance for participants to ask questions at the end.

Grupos de hasta 9 participantes se reunirán con un líder de grupo. Habrá una discusión de las preguntas de la entrevista de comportamiento y el método de entrevista STAR, preguntas de entrevista de práctica, discusión/retroalimentación en grupo, y una oportunidad para que los participantes hagan preguntas al final. Esta sesión es en inglés.
avatar for Monica Jones

Monica Jones

Interim Regional Branch Operations, Branch Manager, Howson Branch, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
6F: 621

10:00am PST

Jacquetta Nammar Feldman, Children's Book Author
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
Jacquetta will discuss children’s books, her path to publication, the writing process, where she gets her inspiration for characters and stories, and how we can all find the courage to tell the stories of our hearts.

Jacquetta hablará sobre libros infantiles, su camino hacia la publicación, el proceso de escritura, dónde obtiene su inspiración para personajes e historias, y cómo todos podemos encontrar el coraje para contar las historias de nuestros corazones. Esta sesión será en inglés.
avatar for Jacquetta Nammar Feldman

Jacquetta Nammar Feldman

The Short StoryJacquetta Nammar Feldman is a children’s author and lives in Austin, Texas. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Advertising from the University of Texas at Austin, and her Master of Fine Arts in Writing for Children and Young Adults at the Vermont College of Fine... Read More →
Bios pdf
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
6F: Living Room

10:00am PST

Literature Live! Presents: Tales from Graves A Puppet Show Trilogy Session I
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
Austin Public Library’s Literature Live! presents Tales From Graves. Not from a spooky graveyard, but from Keith Graves, Austin’s very own author/illustrator, who wrote the three stories we will be presenting: “Three Nasty Gnarlies,” “The Monsterator,” and “Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance.” These monstrously funny, deliciously disgusting, horrifyingly hilarious stories of monsters come alive using three different kinds of puppetry.

Create your own finger puppet.

La campaña Literature Live! presenta Cuentos de tumbas. No de un cementerio espeluznante, sino de Keith Graves, el propio autor/ilustrador de Austin, quien escribió las tres historias que presentaremos: "Three Nasty Gnarlies", "The Monsterator" y "Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance". Estas historias de monstruos monstruosamente divertidas, deliciosamente repugnantes y horriblemente hilarantes cobran vida utilizando tres tipos diferentes de títeres. La obra será en inglés.

Crea tu propia marioneta de dedo.
avatar for Gabriel Ransenberg

Gabriel Ransenberg

Librarian II (Bookmobile) Community Engagement, Austin Public Library
avatar for Devo Carpenter

Devo Carpenter

Youth Program Specialist, Puppetteer, Austin Public Library
avatar for Ellen Scott

Ellen Scott

Youth Program Specialist, Puppetteer, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
4F: Conference Room

10:00am PST

Meghan P. Browne, Children's Book Author
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
Meghan will discuss children’s books, her path to publication, the writing process, where she gets her inspiration for characters and stories, and how we can all find the courage to tell the stories of our hearts.

La obra será en inglés. Meghan hablará sobre libros infantiles, su camino hacia la publicación, el proceso de escritura, dónde se inspira para los personajes y las historias, y cómo todos podemos encontrar el coraje para contar las historias de nuestros corazones. La sesión es en inglés.
avatar for Meghan P. Browne

Meghan P. Browne

BiographyMeghan P. Browne is the award-winning author of Indelible Ann: The Larger-than-Life Story of Governor Ann Richards (with illiustrator Carlynn Whitt) and Dorothy the Brave (with illustrator Brooke Smart). Her forthcoming The Bees of Notre Dame (with illustrator E... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
1F: Special Event Center (SPEC)

10:00am PST

Downtown Austin Community Court
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
This presentation will introduce the Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC), focusing on its role in addressing homelessness and public safety. Learn how DACC connects individuals to social services and how Austin Public Library staff can support these efforts through resource sharing and community engagement.

Esta presentación presentará al Tribunal Comunitario del Downtown Austin (DACC), enfocándose en su papel en el tratamiento de la falta de vivienda y la seguridad pública. Aprenda cómo DACC conecta a las personas con los servicios sociales y cómo el personal de la Biblioteca Pública de Austin puede apoyar estos esfuerzos a través del intercambio de recursos y la participación de la comunidad. La session es en ingles.
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
4F: Reading Room

10:00am PST

Shoal Creek Trail Exploration with Maria Darr
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST
Stretch your legs and get some fresh air with a talk presented by Maria Darr with the Shoal Creek Conservancy. Maria will facilitate a leisurely stroll and informative tour of the Shoal Creek Trail, located on the east side of the Central Library. Wear your walking shoes and be ready to spot some flora and fauna! We will meet at the Outdoor Amphitheater located on the south side of the library facing Caesar Chavez Street.

Participants will be able to: identify native Texas plant species, explain the importance of urban waterways, connect with coworkers

Estire las piernas y tome un poco de aire fresco con una charla presentada por Maria Darr con Shoal Creek Conservancy. María facilitará un paseo tranquilo y un recorrido informativo por el Shoal Creek Trail, ubicado en el lado este de la Biblioteca Central. ¡Use sus zapatos para caminar y prepárese para detectar algo de flora y fauna! Nos encontraremos en el Anfiteatro al Aire Libre ubicado en el lado sur de la biblioteca frente a la calle César Chávez. La sesión será en inglés.
avatar for Maria Darr

Maria Darr

Programs Manager, Shoal Creek Conservancy
Maria Darr previously served the Austin community as the Volunteer Engagement Manager at Austin Habitat for Humanity. She comes to Shoal Creek Conservancy with over four years of Volunteer Management experience, as well as a passion for the outdoors. Maria received her B.A. in Anthropology... Read More →

Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PST

10:00am PST

DIY Rainbow Scratch Art
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
This educational art workshop also doubles as self-care! Rainbow scratch art (https://tinyurl.com/5a6y5kje) is popular with kids and the young-at-heart. During the training, we'll take this fun activity to a whole new level by making our own, homemade rainbow scratch paper (https://tinyurl.com/diyscratchart). Participants will also get to experiment with different types of materials and variations of this craft. Exploring these options will provide us opportunities to share ideas and tips for ways to replicate the activity as a public-facing library program for different audiences.

¡Este taller educativo de arte también es una forma de cuidado personal! El arte con papel para rascar arcoíris (https://tinyurl.com/5a6y5kje) es popular entre los niños y los jóvenes de corazón. Durante el entrenamiento, llevaremos esta divertida actividad a un nuevo nivel al hacer nuestro propio papel para rascar arcoíris casero (https://tinyurl.com/diyscratchart). Los participantes también podrán experimentar con diferentes tipos de materiales y variaciones de esta manualidad. Explorar estas opciones nos brindará oportunidades para compartir ideas y consejos sobre cómo replicar esta actividad como un programa para el público en las bibliotecas, adaptado a diferentes audiencias.
avatar for Sarah Faulk

Sarah Faulk

Youth Program Specialist, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
3F: Teen Room

10:00am PST

Shrinky Dink Twinkle Lights: A Creative Workshop
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
Join us and make the cutest shrinky dink twinkle lights!

¡Únete a nosotros y haz las luces centelleantes más lindas con papel del shrinky dink! La session es en ingles.
avatar for Clove Ellison

Clove Ellison

Library Associate Twin Oaks Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Kimthu  Nguyen

Kimthu Nguyen

Library Assistant Manager, Old Quarry Branch, Austin Public Library

Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
2F: Cookbook Cafe (Back)

10:00am PST

Survive the Oregon Trail: A Live-Action Interactive Adventure Game
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
An interactive live-action game of "The Oregon Trail," based on the 1985 educational computer game. Pioneers will have to use their survival skills to make it from Independence, Missouri to Fort Walla Walla by wagon while trying to get through over 10 different calamities.

Un juego interactivo de acción en vivo de "The Oregon Trail", basado en el juego de computadora educativo de 1985. Los pioneros tendrán que usar sus habilidades de supervivencia para llegar desde Independence, Missouri, hasta Fort Walla Walla en carreta mientras intentan superar más de 10 calamidades diferentes. Los materiales de las sesiones están en inglés.
avatar for Roselena Morrel

Roselena Morrel

Library Associate, Willie Mae Kirk Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Katrina Townsend

Katrina Townsend

Library Assistant Manager, Windsor Park Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Michelle Beebower

Michelle Beebower

Branch Manager, ATO, Austin Public Library
avatar for William (Billy) McConnell III

William (Billy) McConnell III

Library Associate, AUH, Austin Public Library
avatar for Patti Cook

Patti Cook

Managing Librarian, Youth, Austin Public Library
avatar for Melissa Wise

Melissa Wise

Librarian II, Youth Librarian, Twin Oaks Branch, Austin Public Library

Zane Scheible

Administrative Assistant, Ruiz Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Jessica Hyink

Jessica Hyink

Librarian II, Austin Public Library
avatar for Lee Dawson Jr.

Lee Dawson Jr.

Library Associate, Carver Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Nichole Chagnon

Nichole Chagnon

Branch Manager, ASJ, Austin Public Library
avatar for Jordan Hanson

Jordan Hanson

Library Assistant Manager, St. Johns Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Isla Gibson-Butcher

Isla Gibson-Butcher

Librarian I, Youth Librarian St. Johns Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Ty Denton

Ty Denton

Library Assistant Manager, Carver Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Billy Moses

Billy Moses

Library Associate, AOK, Austin Public Library
avatar for Shawn Law

Shawn Law

Library Associate, St Johns Branch, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
3F: Children's Room

10:00am PST

Zine Night
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
The Central Library Reference Librarians routinely host Zine Night. It would be great to bring Zine Night and the Zine Night cart for our fellow APL colleagues as a way of getting to be creative in a relaxed, soothing environment!

Los bibliotecarios de referencia de la Biblioteca Central organizan habitualmente la Noche de Zine. ¡Sería genial traer Zine Night y el carrito Zine Night a nuestros colegas de APL como una forma de ser creativos en un ambiente relajado y relajante! 
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
5F: Non-Fiction

10:00am PST

De-escalation Training: Skills for Conflict Management and Public Safety
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
This module introduces concepts and skills relevant to de-escalation and begins scenario-based training.  

APL staff should be trained to be sufficiently skilled in the following non-physical aspects of conflict management to reduce the risk of them being assaulted and increase public safety. These include:
  • situational awareness, including awareness of the impact factors that may affect the likelihood of staff and the public using physical force
  • emotional awareness and self-regulation
  • active listening
  • verbal and non-verbal communication and negotiation skills
The most effective way for staff to develop and maintain these skills is likely to be realistic scenario-based training that draws on evidence from real-world situations (eg, security video footage).

Este módulo presenta conceptos y habilidades relevantes para la desescalada y comienza la capacitación basada en escenarios.

El objetivo es que el personal de APL esté lo suficientemente capacitado en los siguientes aspectos no físicos de la gestión de conflictos para reducir el riesgo de que sean agredidos y aumentar la seguridad pública. Entre ellas se encuentran:

  • Conocimiento de la situación, incluido el conocimiento de los factores de impacto que pueden afectar la probabilidad de que el personal y el público utilicen la fuerza física
  • Conciencia emocional y autorregulación
  • escucha activa
  • Habilidades de comunicación y negociación verbal y no verbal

    Es probable que la forma más eficaz de que el personal desarrolle y mantenga estas habilidades sea una capacitación realista basada en escenarios que se base en evidencia de situaciones del mundo real (por ejemplo, imágenes de video de seguridad). Esta session es en ingles.
avatar for Nathan Salmons

Nathan Salmons

Sr., Library Security Specialist, Austin Public Library
avatar for Shane Slater

Shane Slater

Library Security Specialist, Austin Public Library

Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 12:10pm PST
6F: NE Corner Program Space

10:00am PST

Sensory Room: Big Bend (Mountains)
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 4:30pm PST
A sensory room is a space created specifically to help someone who feels physically and/or emotionally overstimulated.
The design of the sensory room is a space that invites calmness and focus.
The sensory rooms are available for staff in 10-minute increments unless permission is given otherwise. This ensures that it is as accessible as possible for multiple guests per session.

T.V. with mountain-themed scenes, noise-canceling headphones, fidget tools, light-dampening glasses, slime, ASMR nature sounds, and weighted stuffed animals.

Salas Sensoriales 
Una sala sensorial es un espacio creado específicamente para ayudar a alguien que se siente física y/o emocionalmente sobreestimulado.  
El diseño de la sala sensorial es para crear un espacio que invita a la calma y la concentración. 
Las salas sensoriales están a disposición de los empleados por 10 minutos cada sesión, a menos que se autorice lo contrario. Esto garantiza que sea lo más accesible posible para varios personas por sesión.  

Televisores con escenas de montañas, auriculares, juguetes, gafas para amortiguar la luz, slime, sonidos de la naturaleza y peluches. 

Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 4:30pm PST
SLR 409

10:00am PST

Sensory Room: Big Thicket (Forest)
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 4:30pm PST
A sensory room is a space created specifically to help someone who is feeling physically and/or emotionally overstimulated.
The design of the sensory room is a space that invites calmness and focus.
The sensory rooms are available for staff in 10-minute increments unless permission is given otherwise. This ensures that it is as accessible as possible for multiple guests per session.

T.V. with forest-themed scenes, noise-canceling headphones, fidget tools, light-dampening glasses, aroma therapy, ASMR nature sounds, and weighted stuffed animals.

Having sensory issues feel free to bring your noise-canceling headphones or request an accommodation. 
Green Room Opening/Closing Request:

Salas Sensoriales 
Una sala sensorial es un espacio creado específicamente para ayudar a alguien que se siente física y/o emocionalmente sobreestimulado.  
El diseño de la sala sensorial es para crear un espacio que invita a la calma y la concentración. 
Las salas sensoriales están a disposición de los empleados por 10 minutos cada sesión, a menos que se autorice lo contrario. Esto garantiza que sea lo más accesible posible para varios personas por sesión.  

Televisores con escenas del bosque, auriculares, juguetes, gafas para amortiguar la luz, aromaterapia, sonidos de la naturaleza y peluches.  

Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 4:30pm PST
4F: SLR 471

10:00am PST

Sensory Room: Gulf Coast (Beach)
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 4:30pm PST
A sensory room is a space created specifically to help someone that feels physically and/or emotionally overstimulated.
The design of the sensory room is a space that invites calmness and focus.
The sensory rooms are available for staff in 10-minute increments unless permission is given otherwise. This ensures that it is as accessible as possible for multiple guests per session.

Room Amenities: T.V. with water-themed scenes, noise-canceling headphones, fidget tools, light-dampening glasses, kinetic sand, ASMR water sounds, and a weighted stuffed animal.

Having sensory issues feel free to bring your noise-canceling headphones or request an accommodation. 
Green Room Opening/Closing Request:

Salas Sensoriales 
Una sala sensorial es un espacio creado específicamente para ayudar a alguien que se siente física y/o emocionalmente sobreestimulado.  
El diseño de la sala sensorial es para crear un espacio que invita a la calma y la concentración. 
Las salas sensoriales están a disposición de los empleados por 10 minutos cada sesión, a menos que se autorice lo contrario. Esto garantiza que sea lo más accesible posible para varios personas por sesión.  

Televisores con escenas acuáticas, auriculares, juguetes, gafas para amortiguar la luz, arena cinética, sonidos acuáticos y un peluche. 
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 4:30pm PST
4F: SLR 408

10:00am PST

Sensory Room: The Hill Country (Hills)
Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 4:30pm PST
A sensory room is a space created specifically to help someone who is feeling physically and/or emotionally overstimulated.
The design of the sensory room is a space that invites calmness and focus.
The sensory rooms are available for staff in 10-minute increments unless permission is given otherwise. This ensures that it is as accessible as possible for multiple guests per session.

T.V. with animal-themed scenes, noise-canceling headphones, fidget tools, light-dampening glasses, slime, ASMR nature sounds, and weighted stuffed animals.

Having sensory issues feel free to bring your noise-canceling headphones or request an accommodation.

Green Room Opening/Closing Request:

Salas Sensoriales 
Una sala sensorial es un espacio creado específicamente para ayudar a alguien que se siente física y/o emocionalmente sobreestimulado.  
El diseño de la sala sensorial es para crear un espacio que invita a la calma y la concentración. 
Las salas sensoriales están a disposición de los empleados por 10 minutos cada sesión, a menos que se autorice lo contrario. Esto garantiza que sea lo más accesible posible para varios personas por sesión.  

Televisores con escenas de animales, auriculares, juguetes, gafas para amortiguar la luz, slime, sonidos de la naturaleza y peluches. 
*Nota* La Sala estará cerrada al uso general durante la primera y la última sesións.  La sala sera reservará para las personas que soliciten una adaptación a HR por motivos sensoriales. 

Friday December 13, 2024 10:00am - 4:30pm PST
1F: Green Room

11:10am PST

ADHD Workshop with Michael Snyder Session II
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Join us to learn how to recognize ADHD symptoms and create strategies to overcome them.  
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
4F: Training Room

11:10am PST

Empowering Teens: Best Practices for Library Engagement
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Do you want to learn more about how to work better with the teens visiting our libraries? Are you curious about best practices for serving teens in libraries? Do you have a teen in your library (or life!) whose decision-making process mystifies you? Come to this training to learn more about best practices for working with the teens in our community.

¿Quiere aprender más sobre cómo trabajar mejor con los adolescentes que visitan nuestras bibliotecas? ¿Tiene curiosidad acerca de las mejores prácticas para atender a los adolescentes en las bibliotecas? ¿Tiene algún adolescente en su biblioteca (¡o en su vida!) cuyo proceso de toma de decisiones lo confunde? Venga a este entrenamiento para aprender más sobre las mejores prácticas para trabajar con los adolescentes de nuestra comunidad.  
avatar for Kathleen Houlihan

Kathleen Houlihan

Librarian III, Central Teen Services, Austin Public Library
Kathleen Houlihan, MSIS (she/they)Kathleen is the Teen Librarian III at APL's Teen Central, and has been working with-and-for teens for over 15 years. She has served teens both in and out of library spaces, including working with youth in residential treatment facilities and youth... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
6F: Living Room

11:10am PST

Interview School (Building and Grounds)
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Get ready to land your next position! In this small-group workshop you’ll practice your interview skills and refine stories that showcase your experience. Learn how to approach behavioral interview questions and feel confident going in to your next interview. This session will focus on building and grounds positions.

Groups of up to 9 participants will meet with one group leader. There will be a discussion of behavioral interview questions and the STAR interview method, practice interview questions, group discussion/feedback, and a chance for participants to ask questions at the end.

Grupos de hasta 9 participantes se reunirán con un líder de grupo. Habrá una discusión de las preguntas de la entrevista de comportamiento y el método de entrevista STAR, preguntas de entrevista de práctica, discusión/retroalimentación en grupo, y una oportunidad para que los participantes hagan preguntas al final. Esta sesión es en inglés.
avatar for St John Requejo

St John Requejo

Manager, Facility Services, APL, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
5F: SLR 531

11:10am PST

Interview School (Library Associate, Program, and Lead Positions)
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Get ready to land your next position! In this small-group workshop you’ll practice your interview skills and refine stories that showcase your experience. Learn how to approach behavioral interview questions and feel confident going in to your next interview. This session will focus on public services positions, including library associate, library assistant, and programming positions.

Groups of up to 9 participants will meet with one group leader. There will be a discussion of behavioral interview questions and the STAR interview method, practice interview questions, group discussion/feedback, and a chance for participants to ask questions at the end.

Grupos de hasta 9 participantes se reunirán con un líder de grupo. Habrá una discusión de las preguntas de la entrevista de comportamiento y el método de entrevista STAR, preguntas de entrevista de práctica, discusión/retroalimentación en grupo, y una oportunidad para que los participantes hagan preguntas al final. Esta sesión es en inglés.
avatar for Hannah Fassett

Hannah Fassett

Branch Manager, ASR, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
5F: SLR 522

11:10am PST

Interview School (Safety and Security Focus)
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Get ready to land your next position! In this small-group workshop, you’ll practice your interview skills and refine stories that showcase your experience. Learn how to approach behavioral interview questions and feel confident going into your next interview. This session will focus on safety and security positions.

Grupos de hasta 9 participantes se reunirán con un líder de grupo. Habrá una discusión de las preguntas de la entrevista de comportamiento y el método de entrevista STAR, preguntas de entrevista de práctica, discusión/retroalimentación en grupo, y una oportunidad para que los participantes hagan preguntas al final. Esta sesión es en inglés.
avatar for Lloyd Black

Lloyd Black

Library Security Supervisor, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
6F: 621

11:10am PST

Literature Live! Presents: Tales from Graves A Puppet Show Trilogy Session II
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Austin Public Library’s Literature Live! presents Tales From Graves. Not from a spooky graveyard, but from Keith Graves, Austin’s very own author/illustrator, who wrote the three stories we will be presenting: “Three Nasty Gnarlies,” “The Monsterator,” and “Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance.” These monstrously funny, deliciously disgusting, horrifyingly hilarious stories of monsters come alive using three different kinds of puppetry.

Create your own finger puppet.

La Biblioteca Pública de Austin presenta Cuentos de Tumbas. Nuestros cuentos no son de un cementerio escalofriante, sino de Keith Graves, autor e ilustrador de Austin, las tres historias que presentaremos son: "Tres Nudos Desagradables", “El Monsterator” y “Frank Era Un Monstruo Que Quería Bailar”. Estas historias de monstruos son divertidas, deliciosamente repugnantes y terroríficamente hilarantes utiliza tres tipos diferentes de marionetas.

 Crea tu propia marioneta de dedo.
avatar for Devo Carpenter

Devo Carpenter

Youth Program Specialist, Puppetteer, Austin Public Library
avatar for Gabriel Ransenberg

Gabriel Ransenberg

Librarian II (Bookmobile) Community Engagement, Austin Public Library
avatar for Ellen Scott

Ellen Scott

Youth Program Specialist, Puppetteer, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
4F: Conference Room

11:10am PST

Think Tree Tours
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Join us outside the library for the Think Trees Tour, an engaging educational experience that celebrates the role of trees in our public spaces and promotes environmental stewardship. Through interactive digital storymaps, you’ll learn about the diverse tree species around us and gain practical skills in tree identification.

Únase a nosotros fuera de la biblioteca para el Think Trees Tour, una atractiva experiencia educativa que celebra la importancia de los árboles en nuestros espacios públicos y promueve la gestión ambiental. A través de mapas de historias digitales interactivos, aprenderá sobre las diversas especies de árboles que nos rodean y adquirirá habilidades prácticas en la identificación de árboles. 
avatar for Marcos Martinez

Marcos Martinez

Prgm Coord, Environmental, Development Service
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST

11:10am PST

Lunch A
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Baked potato Bar with all the fixings.
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
2F: Gallery

11:10am PST

COAERs: Realize Your Retirement
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Join COAERS for a presentation about your retirement plan. Learn about your retirement benefits and options, the retirement process, and how to plan for your financial future.

Esta sesión es en inglés. Hay una sesión de español disponible en otro tiempo.
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
1F: Demo Area

11:10am PST

Karaoke Jam Session: Unleash APL Talents & Discover the Next Big Thing
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Boogie down to get your morale up! Come show off your sick vocals or your hot, new dance moves during this interactive karaoke jam session that promises to uncover the hidden talents of our APL staff and potentially discover the next big thing.

Want to start choosing your songs? Check out the song library here:

¡Baje el boogie para levantar la moral! Venga a mostrar su increíble voz o sus nuevos y calientes movimientos de baile durante esta sesión interactiva de karaoke jam que promete descubrir los talentos ocultos de nuestro personal de APL y potencialmente descubrir la próxima gran cosa.

¿Quieres empezar a elegir tus canciones? Echa un vistazo a la biblioteca de canciones aquí:
avatar for Jake Parsons

Jake Parsons

Programming, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
1F: Special Event Center (SPEC)

11:10am PST

Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Reflect on what's most important in your life, how to save time and money, and find peace in downsizing. With an overview of the Steps to Simplicity downsizing process, learn to connect challenges, priorities, and visualization of your new and improved space, gaining the tools to work process independently.
avatar for Dara Zycherman

Dara Zycherman

Less Equals More
Hi, I’m Dara!I love finding the simplicity in every situation, even (and especially) when something seems complicated. This is how I lead my own life. After 12 years working for a sustainability organization, I realized that what I craved most was freedom. So I sold my house, left... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
4F: Reading Room

11:10am PST

Tiny Tails to You “Hoppy” Hour Session I
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Tiny Tails to You “Hoppy” Hour is a great way to unwind and relax with some cute and snuggly bunnies and their friends. Come over and snuggle with adorable animals including baby chicks, bearded lizards, rabbits, chinchillas and more.

Tiny Tails "Hoppy" Hour es una excelente manera de descansar y relajarse con algunos conejitos lindos y cómodos y sus amigos. Ven y acurrúcate con adorables animales que incluyen: pollitos, lagartos barbudos, conejos, chinchillas y más.

Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
3F: Atrium

11:10am PST

Yoga For Beginners
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
Join us for a beginner-style yoga class with Joy Torres! Please bring your own mat!

¡Únase a nosotros para una clase de yoga para principiantes con Joy Torres! ¡Por favor trae tu propia estera! 

avatar for Joy Torres

Joy Torres

Yoga Instructor, Black Swan Yoga
Joy's style is unique and in her yoga class students at all levels of ability in their practice are honored for their differences, efforts and practice together in a safe yet challenging environment. Her classes are breath-centered and focused on alignment, strength, balance, and... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 12:10pm PST
6F: Roof Top Garden

11:10am PST

Seasonal Macrame: DIY Hanging Leaves for Home Decor
Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 1:20pm PST
This craft is inspired by changing seasons and falling leaves. Hang your macrame leaves together on a stick or dowel rod. You can also display them in pairs or alone throughout your home. Use them to pull back curtains, hang them from a lampshade, or loop them around a doorknob. Where will you display your macrame leaves?

Esta artesanía está inspirada en el cambio de estaciones y la caída de hojas. Cuelga tus hojas de macramé juntas en un palo o varilla de pasador. También puede mostrarlos en pares o solos en toda su casa. Úsalos para tirar de cortinas hacia atrás, colgarlos de una pantalla de lámpara o engancharlos alrededor de una perilla de puerta. ¿Dónde mostrarás tus hojas de macramé? Esta sesión es en inglés.
avatar for Stephanie Hart

Stephanie Hart

Library Assistant Manager, Little Walnut Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Sonia Garcia

Sonia Garcia

Administrative Assistant, AOQ, Austin Public Library

Friday December 13, 2024 11:10am - 1:20pm PST
4F: Breakroom

12:20pm PST

Escuela de Entrevistas en Español (Bilingual Edition)
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
Get ready to land your next position! In this small-group workshop you’ll practice your interview skills and refine stories that showcase your experience. Learn how to approach behavioral interview questions and feel confident going in to your next interview.

Groups of up to 9 participants will meet with one group leader. There will be a discussion of behavioral interview questions and the STAR interview method, practice interview questions, group discussion/feedback, and a chance for participants to ask questions at the end.

This session is in Spanish.

Grupos de hasta 9 participantes se reunirán con un líder de grupo. Habrá una discusión de las preguntas de la entrevista de comportamiento y el método de entrevista STAR, preguntas de entrevista de práctica, discusión/retroalimentación en grupo, y una oportunidad para que los participantes hagan preguntas al final. Esta sesión es en español..
avatar for Melissa Sanchez

Melissa Sanchez

Prgm Mgr, Community Services, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
6F: 621

12:20pm PST

How to Use the iPad Every Day at Work
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
Quick tips to maximize the use of the iPad and MobileStaff to make work on the circulation-side a little easier. Mainly this will focus on how to use the iPad to complete trap hold lists.

Consejos rápidos para maximizar el uso del iPad y MobileStaff para facilitar un poco el trabajo en el lado de la circulación. Principalmente esto se centrará en cómo utilizar el iPad para completar listas de capturas. 
avatar for Michael Abramov

Michael Abramov

Branch Manager, John Gillum Branch, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
4F: Training Room

12:20pm PST

Interview School (Library Associate, Program, and Lead Positions)
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
Get ready to land your next position! In this small-group workshop you’ll practice your interview skills and refine stories that showcase your experience. Learn how to approach behavioral interview questions and feel confident going in to your next interview. This session will focus on public services positions, including library associate, library assistant, and programming positions.

Groups of up to 9 participants will meet with one group leader. There will be a discussion of behavioral interview questions and the STAR interview method, practice interview questions, group discussion/feedback, and a chance for participants to ask questions at the end.

Grupos de hasta 9 participantes se reunirán con un líder de grupo. Habrá una discusión de las preguntas de la entrevista de comportamiento y el método de entrevista STAR, preguntas de entrevista de práctica, discusión/retroalimentación en grupo, y una oportunidad para que los participantes hagan preguntas al final. Esta sesión es en inglés.
avatar for Katrina Townsend

Katrina Townsend

Library Assistant Manager, Windsor Park Branch, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
5F: SLR 522

12:20pm PST

Kari Lavelle, Children's Book Author
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
Kari will discuss children’s books, her path to publication, the writing process, where she gets her inspiration for characters and stories, and how we can all find the courage to tell the stories of our hearts.

La obra será en inglés. Kari hablará sobre libros infantiles, su camino hacia la publicación, el proceso de escritura, dónde se inspira para los personajes y las historias, y cómo todos podemos encontrar el coraje para contar las historias de nuestros corazones. La sesión es en inglés.
avatar for Kari Lavelle

Kari Lavelle

Hello! I am the author of WE MOVE THE WORLD (HarperCollins), BUTT OR FACE? series (Sourcebooks) and ODE TO GRAPEFRUIT: HOW JAMES EARL JONES FOUND HIS VOICE (Knopf, 2024). I have always had a love for words: as a kid reading books, as a speech pathologist helping children communicate... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
6F: Living Room

12:20pm PST

Language Access Overview Session I
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
In this session, the City of Austin's Language Access Team will provide an overview of language access services available for the public and for library staff. Learn how to ensure equitable communication with non-English speaking patrons, including the use of interpretation and translation services, iSpeak cards, and over-the-phone interpreter resources.

En esta sesión, el equipo de acceso lingüístico de la Ciudad de Austin brindará una descripción general de los servicios de acceso lingüístico disponibles para el público y el personal de la biblioteca. Aprenda cómo garantizar una comunicación equitativa con los usuarios que no hablan inglés, incluido el uso de servicios de interpretación y traducción, tarjetas iSpeak y recursos de intérpretes por teléfono.
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
1F: Demo Area

12:20pm PST

Music and Movement for Children
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
Join the fun! A music & movement program is a library program in which participants engage both in physical activity and the creation of music. Based on research Let’s Move in Libraries conducted in Spring 2017, over 600 public libraries in the U.S. and Canada have already offered some sort of music and movement program. Even more have joined in since then!
Learn how to put on a program for children, using movement, scarves, shaker eggs, instruments, etc.
avatar for Heather Reynolds

Heather Reynolds

Youth Librarian, Old Quarry Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Jace Furches

Jace Furches

Youth Librarian, Pleasant Hill, Austin Public Library
I'm just a baby owl pretending to be a human being.
avatar for Kayla  De La Portilla

Kayla De La Portilla

Librarian II, Austin Public Library
I'm a Youth Services Librarian for the Austin Public Library system. I create programs for children and their families. I enjoy research that focuses on child development and nature based play.
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
3F: Teen Room

12:20pm PST

The Art of Bookmaking and Bookbinding
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
APL Staff will have the ability to learn how to make a book/journal! From cutting the paper to the desired size, punching holes, measuring their covers, and sewing the book block together!

¡El personal de APL tendrá la capacidad de aprender a hacer un libro/diario! ¡Desde cortar el papel al tamaño deseado, perforar agujeros, medir las cubiertas y coser el bloque del libro! 
avatar for Kate Abel

Kate Abel

Librarian II, Central Reference, Austin Public Library
avatar for Mariizhe Bonier

Mariizhe Bonier

Librarian I, Youth Librarian, Carver Branch, Austin Public Library
I like anime! I'm lactose intolerant!
avatar for Cristina Casas

Cristina Casas

Librarian I, Central, Reference, Austin Public Library
avatar for Frida Garcia

Frida Garcia

Youth Program Specialist, Austin Public Library
avatar for Victoria Wayland

Victoria Wayland

Librarian I, Central Reference, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
5F: Non-Fiction

12:20pm PST

Your Language, Your Library
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
In this session, we will explore how to overcome challenges to design library programs that celebrate and reflect our community’s linguistic diversity.  We will learn practical strategies to create engaging events in languages we don’t speak and discover how partnerships, resources, and creative planning can help us overcome language barriers to make every patron feel welcome in the library.

After this session staff will:

- Understand the value of programming in languages other than English
- Learn strategies for planning programs in languages you do not speak
- Build confidence in engaging diverse communities

En esta sesión, exploraremos cómo superar los obstaculos para diseñar programas en la biblioteca que celebren y reflejen la diversidad lingüística de nuestra comunidad.  Aprenderemos estrategias prácticas para crear eventos atractivos en idiomas que no hablamos y descubriremos cómo las asociaciones, los recursos y
planes creativos pueden ayudarnos a superar las barreras del idioma para que todos los clientes se sientan bienvenidos en la biblioteca.

Después de esta sesión el personal puede:

- Comprender el valor de la programación en otros idiomas además del inglés.
- Aprender estrategias para planificar programas en idiomas que no hablas
- Generar confianza al involucrar a comunidades diversas
avatar for Diana Miranda-Murillo

Diana Miranda-Murillo

Librarian II - World Languages Selector, Development Service
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
4F: Conference Room

12:20pm PST

Lunch B
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
Lunch B
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST

12:20pm PST

Explorations in Chair Yoga and Qi Gong
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
Guided Demonstrations

Jennifer will lead participants through a mainly seated practice with a focus on the neck, shoulders, and upper back. No experience is required.

Participants can learn a variety of accessible mindful movement techniques to reset, relieve tension, and optimize energy- even while seated at their desks!

Demostraciones guiadas

Jennifer guiará a los participantes a través de una práctica principalmente sentada con un enfoque en el cuello, los hombros y la parte superior de la espalda. No se requiere experiencia.

Los participantes pueden aprender una variedad de técnicas accesibles de movimiento consciente para restablecer, aliviar la tensión y optimizar la energía, ¡incluso mientras están sentados en sus escritorios!
avatar for Jennifer Slavin Harris

Jennifer Slavin Harris

MIndful Movement Muse
Jennifer's passion for practicing and teaching of mindful movement sources  from Hatha + Yin + Restorative Yoga, Myofascial Release/ Acupressure, Traditional Chinese Medicine + Qi Gong, and Somatic teachings. Her integrative approach celebrates breath-centered, body-wide connections... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
5F: Room 511

12:20pm PST

Karaoke Jam Session: Unleash APL Talents & Discover the Next Big Thing Session II
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
Boogie down to get your morale up! Come show off your sick vocals or your hot, new dance moves during this interactive karaoke jam session that promises to uncover the hidden talents of our APL staff and potentially discover the next big thing.

Want to start choosing your songs? Check out the song library here:

¡Baje el boogie para levantar la moral! Venga a mostrar su increíble voz o sus nuevos y calientes movimientos de baile durante esta sesión interactiva de karaoke jam que promete descubrir los talentos ocultos de nuestro personal de APL y potencialmente descubrir la próxima gran cosa.

¿Quieres empezar a elegir tus canciones? Echa un vistazo a la biblioteca de canciones aquí:
avatar for Jake Parsons

Jake Parsons

Programming, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
1F: Special Event Center (SPEC)

12:20pm PST

Pilates Deep Stretch
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
You should feel well stretched and refreshed for the remainder of your day after a Beginner Yoga or Pilates Deep Stretch session.

Deberías sentirte bien estirado y renovado durante el resto del día después de una sesión de estiramiento profundo de yoga para principiantes o pilates. 
avatar for Joy Torres

Joy Torres

Yoga Instructor, Black Swan Yoga
Joy's style is unique and in her yoga class students at all levels of ability in their practice are honored for their differences, efforts and practice together in a safe yet challenging environment. Her classes are breath-centered and focused on alignment, strength, balance, and... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
6F: Roof Top Garden

12:20pm PST

Tiny Tails to You “Hoppy” Hour Session II
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
Tiny Tails to You “Hoppy” Hour is a great way to unwind and relax with some cute and snuggly bunnies and their friends. Come over and snuggle with adorable animals including baby chicks, bearded lizards, rabbits, chinchillas and more.

Tiny Tails "Hoppy" Hour es una excelente manera de descansar y relajarse con algunos conejitos lindos y cómodos y sus amigos. Ven y acurrúcate con adorables animales que incluyen: pollitos, lagartos barbudos, conejos, chinchillas y más.

Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 1:20pm PST
3F: Atrium

12:20pm PST

Healing Through Art-Landscape Painting
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 2:30pm PST
When did you first tell yourself "I can't" or " I am not an artist", ...and then from this point onward stopped trying. Feeding oneself messages of negativity can leave one with feelings of inadequacy, or the inability to accomplish a goal. Art can be very therapeutic, for there are no mistakes in art; it is all a matter, of the manner in which information is individually processed and applied. It is educational, as well as a way of expressing ability, feelings, spirituality, or wonder. Come enjoy this art workshop to explore your creativity!

¿Cuándo te dijiste primero a ti mismo "no puedo" o "no soy un artista", ...y luego a partir de este punto en adelante dejó de intentarlo. Alimentarse con mensajes de negatividad puede dejar a uno con sentimientos de insuficiencia, o la incapacidad de lograr una meta. El arte puede ser muy terapéutico, porque no hay errores en el arte; todo es una cuestión, de la manera en que la información se procesa y aplica individualmente. Es educativo, así como una forma de expresar capacidad, sentimientos, espiritualidad o maravilla. ¡Venga a disfrutar de este taller de arte para explorar su creatividad! La sesión es en inglés pero el arte trasciende el idioma.
avatar for Ambray Gonzales

Ambray Gonzales

Youth Program Specialist, Austin Public Library
Ambray has always loved exploring and researching different cultures. In 1st grade her path in life was predetermined by a presenter ( a Japanese Sumi painter visiting her school and doing a painting demo). She decided at that point to be an artist. From a low-income family living... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 2:30pm PST
2F: Cookbook Cafe (Back)

12:20pm PST

De-escalation Training: Skills for Conflict Management and Public Safety
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 2:30pm PST
This module introduces concepts and skills relevant to de-escalation and begins scenario-based training.  

APL staff should be trained to be sufficiently skilled in the following non-physical aspects of conflict management to reduce the risk of them being assaulted and increase public safety. These include:
  • situational awareness, including awareness of the impact factors that may affect the likelihood of staff and the public using physical force
  • emotional awareness and self-regulation
  • active listening
  • verbal and non-verbal communication and negotiation skills
The most effective way for staff to develop and maintain these skills is likely to be realistic scenario-based training that draws on evidence from real-world situations (eg, security video footage).

Este módulo presenta conceptos y habilidades relevantes para la desescalada y comienza la capacitación basada en escenarios.

El objetivo es que el personal de APL esté lo suficientemente capacitado en los siguientes aspectos no físicos de la gestión de conflictos para reducir el riesgo de que sean agredidos y aumentar la seguridad pública. Entre ellas se encuentran:

  • Conocimiento de la situación, incluido el conocimiento de los factores de impacto que pueden afectar la probabilidad de que el personal y el público utilicen la fuerza física
  • Conciencia emocional y autorregulación
  • escucha activa
  • Habilidades de comunicación y negociación verbal y no verbal

    Es probable que la forma más eficaz de que el personal desarrolle y mantenga estas habilidades sea una capacitación realista basada en escenarios que se base en evidencia de situaciones del mundo real (por ejemplo, imágenes de video de seguridad). Esta session es en ingles.

avatar for St John Requejo

St John Requejo

Manager, Facility Services, APL, Austin Public Library
avatar for Jeremy Starczewski

Jeremy Starczewski

Sr., Library Security Specialist, Austin Public Library

Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 2:30pm PST
6F: NE Corner Program Space

12:20pm PST

Austin Public Library I.D.E.A.L. Workshop on Cultural Transformation
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 3:40pm PST
The focus of this session will be on examining how employees’ lived experiences and identities impact their interactions with guests and coworkers as well as how they can do their daily work in a more inclusive and culturally responsive manner.
Learning objectives for this session are:
● Develop an understanding of how participant identities and lived experiences inform their everyday interactions;
● Identify positive and negative biases that impact participant decision making and staff processes; and
● Utilize scenarios to brainstorm ways in which APL practices can be more inclusive and culturally responsive.

El objetivo de esta sesión será examinar cómo las experiencias vividas y las identidades de los empleados impactan sus interacciones con los participantes y compañeros de trabajo, y tambien cómo pueden realizar su trabajo diario de una manera más inclusiva y culturalmente receptiva.
Los objetivos de aprendizaje para esta sesión son:
● Desarrollar una comprensión de cómo las identidades de los participantes y las experiencias vividas influyen en sus interacciones todos los dias;
● Identificar parcialidades positivos y negativos que impactan la toma de decisiones de los participantes y los procesos del personal;
● Utilizar escenarios para generar ideas sobre formas en que las prácticas de APL pueden ser más inclusivas y culturalmente receptivas.

avatar for Sundal Ali

Sundal Ali

Consultant, Azaadi Consulting
Friday December 13, 2024 12:20pm - 3:40pm PST
4F: Reading Room

1:30pm PST

APL Innovate: Staff Tech Demo Drop-In Session II
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
APL Innovate has a plethora of technology which the entire Austin Public Library can borrow and use for public programs. We'll set up the entire Innovation Lounge to showcase all of our technology so people can get hands-on experience with it, ask questions, and brainstorm ideas for how they can use it for programs at their branches or for other program/services/outreach opportunities. These drop in hours will be held throughout the day.
avatar for Will Harlan

Will Harlan

Librarian III, Austin Public Library
I'm Will. I'm a Librarian at the Austin Public Library, where I manage the APL Innovate digital makerspace. At APL Innovate, we provide free access to cutting-edge hardware and software, host free classes on multimedia content creation, and help the public upskill their professional... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
5F: Innovation Lab

1:30pm PST

Going Green (er) at Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
APL Goes Green(er):
A workshop exploring the City of Austin's Zero Waste by 2040 Initiative and how we, as a library community, can contribute to this important goal.

A representative from Austin Resource Recovery will kick things off with an inside look at what it means for our city to commit to zero waste, why it matters, and how we can all play a role in making it happen. Next, one of our own Green Team members will dive into the ways APL staff can get involved. Whether you have big ideas or just want to start small, the Green Team is here to support us all in promoting zero waste practices and programs within our libraries. Finally, we’ll hear from the Windsor Park Branch team, who’ll share their hands-on experience with the Zero Waste Block Leader Program and how they’re starting to weave zero waste principles into their branch programs. They’ll offer practical tips and examples to inspire your own location's efforts.

This session will connect the dots between citywide goals, department initiatives, and what’s happening at the branch level. Come ready to learn, share, and help APL go even greener!
avatar for Paul Baker

Paul Baker

Library Associate, Windsor Park Branch, Austin Public Library
Creative Reuse, Co-ops, analog video art, Star Trek,
avatar for Kelly Overton

Kelly Overton

Library Branch Manager, Windsor Park Branch, Austin Public Library
The end of plastic ... Novels in Verse ... Texas swimmin' holes!!!!  ... "the Force" vs. "the Way"... #Haiku #Sestina #6WordMemoir ... Astrology, especially if you definitely know your birth time :)
avatar for Esther Houari

Esther Houari

Prgm Coord, Environmental, Austin Resource Recovery
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
6F: Living Room

1:30pm PST

Interview School (Management and Supervisory Positions)
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
Get ready to land your next position! In this small-group workshop you’ll practice your interview skills and refine stories that showcase your experience. Learn how to approach behavioral interview questions and feel confident going in to your next interview. This session will focus on management positions.

Groups of up to 9 participants will meet with one group leader. There will be a discussion of behavioral interview questions and the STAR interview method, practice interview questions, group discussion/feedback, and a chance for participants to ask questions at the end.

Grupos de hasta 9 participantes se reunirán con un líder de grupo. Habrá una discusión de las preguntas de la entrevista de comportamiento y el método de entrevista STAR, preguntas de entrevista de práctica, discusión/retroalimentación en grupo, y una oportunidad para que los participantes hagan preguntas al final. Esta sesión es en inglés.
avatar for Sharon Edwards

Sharon Edwards

Human Resources Advisor, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
5F: SLR 531

1:30pm PST

James Ochoa: ADHD Pathfinder/Living Well with ADHD
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
avatar for James Ochoa

James Ochoa

Owner, Practitioner, James Ochoa
I am a licensed professional counselor dedicated to treating, understanding and exploring adult ADHD. As an adult with ADHD myself, I’m passionate about the possibilities.  I believe we can learn to live powerfully despite our emotional storms, and I’ve been privileged to help... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
1F: Special Event Center (SPEC)

1:30pm PST

Spartan Chemicals Demo: Products Used at the Austin Public Library (Custodial)
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
avatar for Nick Heintz

Nick Heintz

Regional Manager, Spartan Chemical
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
1F: Demo Area

1:30pm PST

Trivia Challenge
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
Prove you’re the smartest know-it-all at APL and compete in a friendly battle of wits!  Categories include APL history, and general library questions. So brush up on your trivia, and you could be the winner and walk away with bragging rights and a cool prize!

¡Demuestra que eres el sabelotodo más inteligente en APL y compite en una batalla amistosa de ingenio! Las categorías incluyen historia de APL y preguntas generales de la biblioteca. La sesión será en inglés.
avatar for Kaitlin Raftus

Kaitlin Raftus

Library Assistant, Central, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
4F: Conference Room

1:30pm PST

Security 101
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
The main objective of the Security 101 Training Program is to help participants acquire the skills to effectively respond to anxious, irrational, angry, hostile, or potentially dangerous behavior and minimize the negative impact of challenging encounters. The course focuses on Library-specific experiences. Included in the training are the 3-Steps of approaching customers:
1. Inform
2. Warn, and
3. Ask (To leave for the day when enforcing a library rule and asking for compliance.)
The training includes Run, Hide and Fight; Open Carry law; Incident Report Writing; and other training that impacts the day to day operations at the Austin Public Library. The training will assist you in understanding the importance of recognizing behaviors which may impact the library, and being confident in addressing these behaviors. Also included are discussions on when not to approach certain behaviors, which may be potentially dangerous.

El objetivo principal del Programa de Security 101 Training es ayudar a los participantes a adquirir las habilidades necesarias para responder eficazmente a comportamientos ansiosos, irracionales, enojados, hostiles o potencialmente peligrosos y minimizar el impacto negativo de los encuentros desafiantes. El curso se centra en las experiencias específicas de la biblioteca. Incluidos en la capacitación están los 3 pasos de acercarse a los clientes:
1. Informar a
2. Advertir, y
3. Preguntar (para salir por el día cuando se aplica una regla de la biblioteca y se pide el cumplimiento.)
El entrenamiento incluye correr, esconderse y luchar; Ley de Portación Abierta; Redacción de informes de incidentes; y otra capacitación que impacta las operaciones diarias en la Biblioteca Pública de Austin. La capacitación lo ayudará a comprender la importancia de reconocer los comportamientos que pueden afectar a la biblioteca y a tener confianza para abordar estos comportamientos. También se incluyen discusiones sobre cuándo no abordar ciertos comportamientos, que pueden ser potencialmente peligrosos.La session es en ingles.
avatar for Josiah O'Neal

Josiah O'Neal

Library Security Specialist, Austin Public Library
avatar for Eric Denges

Eric Denges

Sr., Library Security Specialist, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
4F: Training Room

1:30pm PST

COAERs: Haga Realidad Su Retiro (en espanol!)
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
Únase a COAERS para una presentación sobre su plan del retiro. Conozca sus beneficios y opciones del retiro, el proceso del retiro y cómo planificar su futuro financiero. Esta sesión es totalmente en español.  
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
6F: 621

1:30pm PST

Myofascial Release Techniques for Wellbeing Session I
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
Verbal presentation will introduce concepts and potential benefits of Self-massage and Acupressure.

Guided demonstrations will encourage participants to have their own hands-on experience!

a. Increased understanding of what Myofascial Release/ Acupressure is and how it can be beneficial.
b. Effective and user-friendly massage techniques to alleviate tension with your own hands and something as inexpensive as a superball!
I will have planned demonstrations for all seated participants, but if time allows demos that require lying down or standing up can be requested/ demonstrated with volunteers.
c. Introduction to Acupressure (which is considered another form of myofascial release) and how to locate and activate a few key points.

La presentación verbal presentará conceptos y beneficios potenciales del automasaje y la acupresión.

¡Las demostraciones guiadas animaran a los participantes a tener su propia experiencia práctica!

a. Mayor comprensión de qué es la liberación miofascial/acupresión y cómo puede ser beneficiosa.
b. Técnicas de masaje efectivas y fáciles de usar para aliviar tensiones con tus propias manos y con algo tan económico como una Superball
Tendré demostraciones planeadas para todos los participantes sentados, pero si el tiempo lo permite, demonstraciones que requieran acostarse o ponerse de pie se pueden solicitar/demostrar con voluntarios.
c. Introducción a la acupresión (que se considera otra forma de liberación miofascial)
cómo localizar y activar algunos puntos importantes.

avatar for Jennifer Slavin Harris

Jennifer Slavin Harris

MIndful Movement Muse
Jennifer's passion for practicing and teaching of mindful movement sources  from Hatha + Yin + Restorative Yoga, Myofascial Release/ Acupressure, Traditional Chinese Medicine + Qi Gong, and Somatic teachings. Her integrative approach celebrates breath-centered, body-wide connections... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
5F: Room 511

1:30pm PST

Sound Journey Meditation Session I
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
The Sound Journey takes us into a state of deep relaxation, effortless meditation, rest, and renewal. Join Josephine as she plays unique and specialized instruments such as the gong, crystal and metal singing bowls, drums, and chimes to promote mental, emotional, and physical restoration. There will be an introduction and suggestions for the experience before the sound bath, and a group check-in after.

El Viaje de Sonido nos lleva a un estado de profunda relajación, meditación sin esfuerzo, descanso y renovación. Únete a Josephine mientras toca instrumentos únicos y especializados como el gong, cuencos de cristal y metal, tambores y campanillas para promover la restauración mental, emocional y física. Habrá una introducción y sugerencias para la experiencia antes del baño de sonido, y un registro de grupo después. La session es en ingles.
avatar for Josephine Ashford

Josephine Ashford

I play gongs and other unique and specialized instruments such as quartz crystal and metal singing bowls, chimes, gongs, and drums to promote well-being and harmony on all levels of your being. These sounds are deeply therapeutic (sound healing is a form of sound therapy) and affect... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
3F: Teen Room

1:30pm PST

Tiny Tails to You “Hoppy” Hour Session III
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
Tiny Tails to You “Hoppy” Hour is a great way to unwind and relax with some cute and snuggly bunnies and their friends. Come over and snuggle with adorable animals including baby chicks, bearded lizards, rabbits, chinchillas and more.

Tiny Tails "Hoppy" Hour es una excelente manera de descansar y relajarse con algunos conejitos lindos y cómodos y sus amigos. Ven y acurrúcate con adorables animales que incluyen: pollitos, lagartos barbudos, conejos, chinchillas y más.

Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm PST
3F: Atrium

1:30pm PST

DIY Kraft Paper Hanging Lamp
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 3:40pm PST
Paper lamps have been popular for centuries, and they remain an iconic decoration item in households to this day. Join us in creating beautiful hanging paper lamps.

Las lámparas de papel han sido populares durante siglos y siguen siendo un elemento de decoración icónico en los hogares hasta el día de hoy. Únase a nosotros para crear hermosas lámparas de papel colgantes. 
avatar for Sonia Garcia

Sonia Garcia

Administrative Assistant, AOQ, Austin Public Library
avatar for Amie Acosta-Gonzalez

Amie Acosta-Gonzalez

Library Assistant, Terrazas Branch Library, Austin Public Library

Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 3:40pm PST
4F: Breakroom

1:30pm PST

Hobbit Door Crafting: A Journey to Middle-earth
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 3:40pm PST
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." ― J.R.R. Tolkien
Let’s go on an adventure to Middle-earth! Using foam discs, grapevine wreaths, paint, décor, and a bit of glue, make your very own hobbit door. Dive into the magical world of Lord of the Rings and craft a fantastical creation that will take you there and back again!

¡Vamos a la aventura a la Tierra Media! Con discos de espuma, coronas de vid, pintura, decoración y un poco de pegamento, haz tu propia puerta de hobbit. ¡Sumérgete en el mundo mágico de El Señor de los Anillos y crea una creación fantástica que te llevará de ida y vuelta! La sesión es en inglés, pero las instrucciones escritas estarán disponibles en español.
avatar for Kaitlin Raftus

Kaitlin Raftus

Library Assistant, Central, Austin Public Library
avatar for Roselena Morrel

Roselena Morrel

Library Associate, Willie Mae Kirk Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Katrina Townsend

Katrina Townsend

Library Assistant Manager, Windsor Park Branch, Austin Public Library

Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 3:40pm PST
5F: Non-Fiction

1:30pm PST

Survive the Oregon Trail: A Live-Action Interactive Adventure Game Session II
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 3:40pm PST
An interactive live-action game of "The Oregon Trail," based on the 1985 educational computer game. Pioneers will have to use their survival skills to make it from Independence, Missouri to Fort Walla Walla by wagon while trying to get through over 10 different calamities.

Un juego interactivo de acción en vivo de "The Oregon Trail", basado en el juego de computadora educativo de 1985. Los pioneros tendrán que usar sus habilidades de supervivencia para llegar desde Independence, Missouri, hasta Fort Walla Walla en carreta mientras intentan superar más de 10 calamidades diferentes. Los materiales de las sesiones están en inglés.
avatar for Melissa Wise

Melissa Wise

Librarian II, Youth Librarian, Twin Oaks Branch, Austin Public Library

Zane Scheible

Administrative Assistant, Ruiz Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Lee Dawson Jr.

Lee Dawson Jr.

Library Associate, Carver Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Nichole Chagnon

Nichole Chagnon

Branch Manager, ASJ, Austin Public Library
avatar for Jordan Hanson

Jordan Hanson

Library Assistant Manager, St. Johns Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Isla Gibson-Butcher

Isla Gibson-Butcher

Librarian I, Youth Librarian St. Johns Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Shawn Law

Shawn Law

Library Associate, St Johns Branch, Austin Public Library
avatar for Michelle Beebower

Michelle Beebower

Branch Manager, ATO, Austin Public Library
avatar for William (Billy) McConnell III

William (Billy) McConnell III

Library Associate, AUH, Austin Public Library
avatar for Billy Moses

Billy Moses

Library Associate, AOK, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 1:30pm - 3:40pm PST
3F: Children's Room

2:40pm PST

Jenny Tinghui Zhang: International Best Selling Author
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
avatar for Jenny Tinghui Zhang

Jenny Tinghui Zhang

Jenny Tinghui Zhang is a Chinese-American writer and author of the internationally bestselling novel Four Treasures of the Sky (Flatiron Books), which has been translated into 12 languages and short and longlisted for the Chautauqua Prize, the Dublin Literary Award, the Carnegie... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
1F: Special Event Center (SPEC)

2:40pm PST

Language Access Overview Session II
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
In this session, the City of Austin's Language Access Team will provide an overview of language access services available for the public  and for library staff. Learn how to ensure equitable communication with non-English speaking patrons, including the use of interpretation and translation services, iSpeak cards, and over-the-phone interpreter resources.

En esta sesión, el equipo de acceso lingüístico de la Ciudad de Austin brindará una descripción general de los servicios de acceso lingüístico disponibles para el público y el personal de la biblioteca. Aprenda cómo garantizar una comunicación equitativa con los usuarios que no hablan inglés, incluido el uso de servicios de interpretación y traducción, tarjetas iSpeak y recursos de intérpretes por teléfono.
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
1F: Demo Area

2:40pm PST

Mind the Gap: Brainstorming Our Way to Better Accessibility Services
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
People often think that accessibility stops at physical access, but library staff know it goes deeper than that! Come join us for an activity session where we explore different styles for and obstacles to accessing library services, and brainstorm how we can help our communities foster a continued positive relationship with libraries by providing more accessibility services.

Muchas personas piensan que la accesibilidad se limita al acceso físico, ¡pero el personal de las bibliotecas sabe que va mucho más allá! Únete a nosotros en una sesión de actividades donde exploraremos diferentes estilos y obstáculos para acceder a los servicios de la biblioteca, y reflexionaremos juntos sobre cómo podemos ayudar a nuestras comunidades a fomentar una relación positiva y continua en las bibliotecas mediante la oferta de más servicios accesibles.
avatar for Maddy Newquist

Maddy Newquist

Librarian I, Central, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
4F: Conference Room

2:40pm PST

Open Educational Resources for Public Libraries
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
Join the UT Libraries' Open Education Librarian for an informative presentation on Open Educational Resources (OER) and how public libraries can utilize them to support lifelong learning and equitable access to information. This session will cover the basics of OER, the benefits for library patrons, and how public libraries can collaborate with educational institutions to expand free and accessible resources for their communities.
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
4F: Training Room

2:40pm PST

Temporary Relief Center - Updates
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
Review of past experiences and updates for upcoming use. Also, the purpose and scope of library facilities as relief centers will be clarified.

People should become informed about how APL uses temporary relief centers during cold and hot weather and, how it supports the City of Austin.
Attendees will also be presented with rules and updates for their use.
avatar for Kelly Isham

Kelly Isham

Emergency Program Coord, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
6F: NE Corner Program Space

2:40pm PST

Asian Herbal & Spice Teas
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
Learn about herbal and spice tea making in diverse Asian cultures. Make your own herbal tea blend and enjoy tasting it in class.

Aprende sobre la preparación de tés de hierbas y especias en diversas culturas asiáticas. Crea tu propia mezcla de té de hierbas y disfrútalo durante la clase. 
avatar for Sari Fujimaru

Sari Fujimaru

Owner, Mindful Living
I help people cultivate mindfulness and live with more peace and joy. I grew up in Japan, had the privilege of living in Bali, and now reside in the serene Texas Hill Country in the U.S. where my partner and I host private retreats. I have taught mindfulness, holistic wellness, and... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
2F: Cookbook Cafe (Back)

2:40pm PST

Myofascial Release Techniques for Wellbeing Session II
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
Verbal presentation will introduce concepts and potential benefits of Self-massage and Acupressure.

Guided demonstrations will encourage participants to have their own hands-on experience!

a. Increased understanding of what Myofascial Release/ Acupressure is and how it can be beneficial.
b. Effective and user-friendly massage techniques to alleviate tension with your own hands and something as inexpensive as a superball!
I will have planned demonstrations for all seated participants, but if time allows demos that require lying down or standing up can be requested/ demonstrated with volunteers.
c. Introduction to Acupressure (which is considered another form of myofascial release) and how to locate and activate a few key points.

La presentación verbal presentará conceptos y beneficios potenciales del automasaje y la acupresión.

¡Las demostraciones guiadas animaran a los participantes a tener su propia experiencia práctica!

a. Mayor comprensión de qué es la liberación miofascial/acupresión y cómo puede ser beneficiosa.
b. Técnicas de masaje efectivas y fáciles de usar para aliviar tensiones con tus propias manos y con algo tan económico como una Superball
Tendré demostraciones planeadas para todos los participantes sentados, pero si el tiempo lo permite, demonstraciones que requieran acostarse o ponerse de pie se pueden solicitar/demostrar con voluntarios.
c. Introducción a la acupresión (que se considera otra forma de liberación miofascial)
cómo localizar y activar algunos puntos importantes.

avatar for Jennifer Slavin Harris

Jennifer Slavin Harris

MIndful Movement Muse
Jennifer's passion for practicing and teaching of mindful movement sources  from Hatha + Yin + Restorative Yoga, Myofascial Release/ Acupressure, Traditional Chinese Medicine + Qi Gong, and Somatic teachings. Her integrative approach celebrates breath-centered, body-wide connections... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
5F: Room 511

2:40pm PST

Silent Reading Party: Relax and Unwind with Books and Music
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
It's been a great day, and now it's time to unwind by joining us for a Silent Reading Party! Bring a book, browse the Central Library for a new favorite, or tune in to an audiobook or focus music via our Silent Disco headsets.

¡Ha sido un gran día, y ahora es el momento de relajarse uniéndose a nosotros para una fiesta de lectura silenciosa! Traiga un libro, busque un nuevo favorito en la Biblioteca Central o sintonice un audiolibro o música de enfoque a través de nuestros auriculares Silent Disco.
avatar for Hannah Fassett

Hannah Fassett

Branch Manager, ASR, Austin Public Library
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
6F: Living Room

2:40pm PST

Sound Journey Meditation Session II
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
The Sound Journey takes us into a state of deep relaxation, effortless meditation, rest, and renewal. Join Josephine as she plays unique and specialized instruments such as the gong, crystal and metal singing bowls, drums, and chimes to promote mental, emotional, and physical restoration. There will be an introduction and suggestions for the experience before the sound bath, and a group check-in after.

El Viaje de Sonido nos lleva a un estado de profunda relajación, meditación sin esfuerzo, descanso y renovación. Únete a Josephine mientras toca instrumentos únicos y especializados como el gong, cuencos de cristal y metal, tambores y campanillas para promover la restauración mental, emocional y física. Habrá una introducción y sugerencias para la experiencia antes del baño de sonido, y un registro de grupo después. La session es en ingles.
avatar for Josephine Ashford

Josephine Ashford

I play gongs and other unique and specialized instruments such as quartz crystal and metal singing bowls, chimes, gongs, and drums to promote well-being and harmony on all levels of your being. These sounds are deeply therapeutic (sound healing is a form of sound therapy) and affect... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
3F: Teen Room

2:40pm PST

Tiny Tails to You “Hoppy” Hour Session IV
Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
Tiny Tails to You “Hoppy” Hour is a great way to unwind and relax with some cute and snuggly bunnies and their friends. Come over and snuggle with adorable animals including baby chicks, bearded lizards, rabbits, chinchillas and more.

Tiny Tails "Hoppy" Hour es una excelente manera de descansar y relajarse con algunos conejitos lindos y cómodos y sus amigos. Ven y acurrúcate con adorables animales que incluyen: pollitos, lagartos barbudos, conejos, chinchillas y más.

Friday December 13, 2024 2:40pm - 3:40pm PST
3F: Atrium

3:50pm PST

Awards and Recognition with Keynote from JaMarr Johnson
Friday December 13, 2024 3:50pm - 5:00pm PST
avatar for JaMarr Johnson

JaMarr Johnson

JaMarr John Johnson is an "Entrepremedian," a hybrid of entrepreneur and comedian uses humor to crack the code on business success. He’s the brains behind the Austin-based decentralized comedy club & Institute, Truth, Love & Comedy, and a keynote speaker who tours the nation, raising... Read More →
Friday December 13, 2024 3:50pm - 5:00pm PST
1F: Special Event Center (SPEC)
Staff Development and Appreciation Day 2024
Register to attend